Our Company

We communicate

We service our customers

We are reliable

We are diversified

We are forward thinkers

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From its inception, the mission of Eggs Unlimited has been to provide exceptional customer service in the shell eggs and egg products industry. Our team has over 200 years of combined experience working with buyers and sellers in the egg industry. We strive to bring a fresh perspective to a mature marketplace, with a hardworking team of experienced purchasing, sales, data, logistics, and accounting professionals. Our customers around the globe gain the peace-of-mind knowing there is always someone there to answer a question or handle an issue at a moment’s notice. We help companies understand key market dynamics, statistics, and trends so they can make better decisions. Armed with our market intelligence, buyers may execute successful advertising campaigns that increase their ROI or adjust inventories to correspond with current prices, trends, and forecasts. Whether for single spot loads or long-term contracts, we help buyers navigate the marketplace and their purchasing options.

From our headquarters in Irvine, California, and satellite offices around the world, we make it our business to stay abreast of news, trends, and current events in the global egg industry. Our pulse on the markets allows us to act quickly and decisively for the benefit of our customers and partners. Having increased our market share exponentially over the last three years, Eggs Unlimited is now one of the largest egg companies in the world. Come grow with us… speak to a member of our team today!

Our Commitment

We won’t be outworked!

The egg market is ever-changing. State legislation, animal welfare concerns, environmental impact, evolution in packaging, sudden supply-chain shifts, and other factors create both challenges and opportunities at all levels of the egg industry. These factors can also distort the balance between supply and demand. Eggs Unlimited is here to support our customers and suppliers as they work to overcome any challenges that may arise. Whether that is helping customers reduce their carbon footprint, making investments in green packaging, reacting to a sudden loss in contractual supply or an unexpected surge in sales, Eggs Unlimited is invested in your success. We are committed to delivering on our promises, shipping orders on time and in full. We work with our producers to ensure they meet the strict certification requirements our customers trust, both from an environmental and animal welfare standpoint. We are dedicated to learning and adapting to the needs of our customers. Eggs Unlimited strives to be at the forefront of an ever-evolving, global egg industry for our customer’s betterment and long-term success.

Our Founder

“We are family”

Tim Cohen has spent his career building trust with egg producers and buyers across the global egg industry. His passion to create unique solutions for customers, contacts, and peers was paramount in the development of Eggs Unlimited. Tim saw an opportunity to improve the supply-chain and provide best-in-class customer service by creating a one-of-a-kind network of suppliers and modernizing key operational practices. Nicknamed “The Egg Whisperer” by one of the largest national retail buyers, Tim has a reputation for providing unmatched market insight and a relentless work ethic for his clients.

Shortly after founding Eggs Unlimited, Tim began to assemble a team of the brightest minds in critical areas for the business. From logistics experts, sales staff, retail support managers, market analysts, and accounting professionals, Eggs Unlimited would offer a new standard of reliability, reach, value, legislative insight, and market intelligence in an industry rooted deeply in tradition. At the heart of the company are family values. Tim is joined by his brothers Frank and Jeff, who have worked with him for 20+ years. These values extend across the growing team at Eggs Unlimited.

Always hungry, Tim is up before dawn racing to see how he can help his buyers and producers.  He considers them friends and treats them as such. Just a phone call away, Tim and the Eggs Unlimited team work around the clock to fulfill promises and solve problems for their customers and suppliers. The passion he has for the industry leads to him taking hundreds of flights every year, always pushing the business forward. Tim is so grateful he gets to do what he loves every day and is humbled at the growth of Eggs Unlimited and its ability to provide a low-cost protein across the globe.

our diverse team of industry experts


Sales Team


Success Team


Logistics Team